2 min read
02 Dec

I realize my birthday is over as November is over for the year, I realize we just had Thanksgiving and I did not blog about it, and I realize that here we are coming up on the winter holidays, that we are by now in the Yuletide. However, ever since my birthday and the yellow and orange and red falling autumn leaves, I have been wanting to post about 18 degrees Scorpio. This segree can mean the Sun in 18 degrees Scorpio or other planets on one's chart that are 18 degrees in Scorpio. The quality is usually strongest when irt is the Sun that is in Scorpio on the 18th degree; however, Pluto is a powerful magnifier and is ruled by Scorpio so that can be a 18 degree Scorpio powerhouse. More traditionally, before the discovery of Pluto (and ever since Pluto got demoted as a planet--but not in my book because they can call it what they want it but it's still there), Mars was and is once again the ruler of Scorpio just as Mars is the ruler of Aries. Keep in mind too that 18 degrees Scirpio is 18 degrees Scorpio regardless of from where it is ruled. 

Some say this degree means, "SELF-TRANSFORMATION
We can raise ourselves to the level where we are the ones who
decide and determine what will occur and 
"Freeing ourselves from patterns of limiting beliefs" (retrieved from https://www.jamesburgess.com/woods-rich-in-autumn-colouring.html, 12/2/2024). I can say that as a 18 degree Sun in Scorpio native, I find this to be so very true that is it almost uncanny--until you get so very used to it. I should give some examples in this article later on how this has been so for me in my life. Maybe that will have to be part two--I am not sure I am up to telling all those stories at this time. In fact, it may as well be a book. So perhaps this blog entry has now become the preview of a book. But, well, okay, the book will just have to get in line like all the others before it that are either planned or already in progress. 

A traditional meaning of 18 degrees Scorpio is "

A path through woods brilliant with multicoloured splendour" (retrieved from https://www.jamesburgess.com/woods-rich-in-autumn-colouring.html, 12/2/2024) and this source contributes that quote of its quality put into an image by Dane Rudyar. However, while Rudyar may have written about it, that actual quote comes from

To understand hat the Sabian symbols are and how they came about, go to  http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Origin%20and%20Internal%20Structure.htm