1 min read
07 Sep

     This is my first entry in my new blog about writing, arts & humanities, and the life of a writer--more specifically, my life as a writer, including simplistics of daily life as well as writing and arts topics. This new blog is a labor of love, beginning right after Labor Day, 2024.        

     Most of us have heard we should not wear white after Labor Day, but for me the summer has not quite ended yet,, so I am still wearing white this week. In writing, the famous "they" say you have to know the rules to break them. If not, your error must be corrected to pass GO.   

    Too often, I don't write--even though I am a writer. I write in my head a lot, I write in my journal frequently, yet I seldom sit to type the things I handwrite. Usually, my journals are dream journals rather than poetry or fiction—but I do jot down my ideas for a new story or first line of a new poem. I used to be a college writing instructor, and college English writing instructors are recommended to have their students keep a journal. The difference (in my case) between a blog and a journal is that in my journal I probably would not go into as much detail about poetics, literary criticism, or music theory.

      It is my intention this blog will get me to sit at my keyboard and type most every day--if not just once a week. Here, I might also keep track of what I got done or did not get done on a given day. I say this because a long time ago I read (I forget in what publication or where) that once a journal of a pioneer woman was found in an attic and in the journal on each page for each day was a list of all the household chores she had completed that day. That was her life's work, her life's big accomplishments, how she made her mark on this earth, with a clean efficient, and orderly house.     

     On the days I do not type (or write), I am usually doing the laundry or the dishes or am usually at the lake, sipping coffee .    

      Or walking. A writer must walk.      

     Walking the beach is a natural luxury. My lake time is often with family and friends. I also watch a lot of movies. And read—usually online publications.

     You can visit my "ABOUT" page for more about me, my writing, and my interests. Writers do tend to write about the things that interest them. I hope this blog will interest other writers and would-be writers.